Live on El Rey 1360: Highlighting King County’s Eviction Prevention and Rent Assistance Program
Role and Impact:
As part of an ongoing community engagement campaign targeting Latinx residents, the Department of Community and Human Services Eviction Prevention and Rent Assistance Program (EPRAP) sought to connect with the community through popular local Spanish-language media. I stepped before the camera to bridge this gap, providing crucial information to families needing EPRAP services.
Actively participated in a live radio segment, discussing the importance and details of the EPRAP.
Engaged with the audience during a Facebook Live event, answering questions and explaining how to access EPRAP services.
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Reflection: "Engaging directly with the Latinx community through El Rey 1360, a platform they trust, was a fulfilling experience. I appreciated the opportunity to connect with listeners, answer their questions, and provide them with the needed resources. This initiative reminded me of the immense power that local media holds in reaching out to communities, fostering trust, and making a real difference."
Zoom meeting for live radio and Facebook Live with El Rey 1360
“Working With Government” COO Learning Communities Workshop
Role and Impact:
Communities of Opportunity (COO) Learning Community workshops empower nonprofits and community-based organizations (CBOs), bolstering their capacity, network, and resource availability to meet their goals. In collaboration with Headwater People, I was invited as the featured guest speaker at a webinar aimed at enhancing the ability of CBOs to network, build relationships, and collaborate more effectively with local government.
Developed key talking points for a 30-minute presentation, focusing on actionable strategies for CBOs to strengthen their ties with local government.
Conducted a Q&A session, addressing concerns and answering questions from participants, providing insights based on my experience working in government.
Reflection: "This opportunity to speak to a group of driven, community-focused individuals was enlightening. It reinforced the importance of open dialogues between community organizations and local government. I was reminded of the mutual benefit these collaborations can offer, and I hope my participation provided some tangible tools and insights for these organizations to strengthen their work."
Zoom meeting for a webinar with COO Learning Communities
Building Trust and Community: Addressing Crucial COVID-19 Issues in the Latinx Community
Role and Impact:
Public Health — Seattle & King County regularly engages with the Latinx community through Condado the King, the King County Spanish Facebook page. These meetings, titled Con Confianza y En Comunidad: Hablando de Temas Que Nos Afectan, discuss various topics related to COVID-19, emphasizing reaching communities most affected by the pandemic.
In collaboration with the Public Health and the Eviction Prevention and Rent Assistance Program (EPRAP) team, I took the stage to provide the latest information about the program, tailored to the Spanish-speaking community.
Worked with the EPRAP team to develop relevant talking points for the presentation.
Delivered a live Facebook presentation, effectively communicating crucial updates about the program to the Latinx community.
Discover More:
Facebook: View on Condado de King
Zoom meeting for Facebook Live with the Con Confianza community
"Stay Home, Slow the Spread" COVID-19 PSA
Role and Impact:
As COVID-19 gripped the world, accurate information needed to reach every corner of the community, regardless of language. Recognizing the need to get our Spanish-speaking community, I stepped in front of the camera for Public Health — Seattle & King County to ensure vital health and safety messages were available in Spanish.
Participated in the Spanish-language Public Service Announcement recording, helping translate and deliver the State's "Stay Home, Slow the Spread" health mandate.
Contributed my language skills and cultural knowledge to ensure the Spanish-speaking community effectively received the message.
Assisted the video crew, helping ensure the smooth operation and success of the project.
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YouTube Playlist:
Social Media Short Version Playlist:
Antonio filming the Spanish COVID-19 PSA